Sunday, October 23, 2011

Boney Island

One of the great things about living in Los Angeles is that there are so many great things to do and see.  Halloween in LA is a BIG deal.  In Kentucky, people decorate their yards with hanging trash bag ghosts, big, orange, leaf-filled, trash bag pumpkins, and maybe a styrofoam tombstone or two.  In Los Angeles, people go all out for Halloween.  There is a man who owns a house in Sherman Oaks (very near where we live) who apparently was, or is, a producer of The Simpsons.  He made a little Halloween theme park in his yard called 'Boney Island'.  It's open to all.  It's free.  It's amazing.  We went last night and had so much fun. The pictures that follow do not do justice to the magic that we witnessed, but it's at least a little insight into the awesomeness that this man created.  All of the skeletons moved and there was music everywhere.  In the very short video you can see the green 'goo' that jumped out of the cauldrons in rhythm with the Halloween music.  The skeleton in the tux was the narrator for the show.   

Below is a picture of the amazingly large haunted tree house, adorned with lit jack-o-lanterns.

Another video.  One is super short, and may flip sideways at some point.  I'm too lazy to find out which is which and take the bad one off, so I'm just going to post both.  

Nolan and Abby watching and listening to the singing bushes.

The bushes in the picture below had eyes and mouths and sang the Halloween song from 'Nightmare Before Christmas'.

Singing spiders.

When you knocked on this big, metal, container the skeleton inside would start shaking back and forth.

Abby watching the rocking skeleton.

This skeleton was a psychic skeleton with a crystal ball.  A man stood about ten feet in front of the display holding a giant Big Gulp cup that was equipped with a microphone.  He talked into the cup and the sound came out from the area where the skeleton sat.  He would tell the kids to stare into the crystal ball so that he could guess how old they were, their names, what school they went to... he was standing in the area where the parents were, getting the answers to the questions from them.  Nolan loved it!  He was seriously amazed.  

Nolan talking to the psychic skeleton.

The goo show. 

More of the psychic skeleton.  Nolan didn't want to walk away from it, even when he was talking to the other kids.

This picture is from the castle at the Disney Store.  Abby loved it and didn't want to leave it.  I'm in trouble.

Abby watching Winnie the Pooh in the car.  The poor child has to sit in the car so long (especially when Robert is out of town and I'm doing drop-off and pick-up at school) that I let her watch tv.  It takes about 20 minutes to get to the school and 45 minutes to get back home.  Twice a day.  She deserves it.

Movie and ice cream night on Saturday.  We watched 'Nightmare Before Christmas', a new favorite for both Nolan and Abby. 

Abby before her haircut in her requested pink car.

Nolan getting his haircut.  He didn't want to look at me.  He does not enjoy getting haircuts.

Abby after her haircut.  We only had her bangs cut this time.

Nolan after his haircut.  The woman did an awful job.  Stray hairs, boxy cut, which I specifically requested it not be.  He's still handsome though.  A bad haircut can't take away from his handsomeness.